[bt-devel] compiling 1.7 on Kubuntu 8.10

Daniel Owens dhowens at pmbx.net
Tue Dec 9 19:22:28 MST 2008

I'm trying to compile 1.7 again, now in Kubuntu 8.10. I was able to 
satisfy the dependencies and run ./build-debug.sh for 
bibletime-1.7.beta2, but I get only so far in the process and I start 
getting errors. Here is the start of the problem:

[  6%] Building CXX object 

cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors 

In file included from 



/usr/local/include/sword/swmodule.h:171: error: type qualifiers ignored 
on function return type

I am attaching the full output in the terminal. I'm not sure what to do 
next. Also, I'm not sure if I have the latest beta or not.

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