[bt-devel] I can't do an SVN commit

Jeremy Erickson jerickson314 at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 23 16:42:00 MST 2007

	I was going to make my first SVN commit (fixing the bug causing a segfault 
when changing books), but the authorization is failing.  I'm guessing this is 
just because my SourceForge account (jerickson314, which is already 
authorized for uploading binaries) is not activated for SVN.  Can an admin go 
ahead and grant me write access to the SVN repository?
	On a side note, it appear my fix may be more of a workaround than a fix - for 
some reason, Qt is calling the itemActivated() function 3 or 4 times, twice 
with the book that the user wants to open, and once or twice with a null 
pointer instead.  I'm not sure why this behavior is occuring or why we didn't 
have a similar bug with other types of modules.  I did notice that according 
to grep the Bible module viewer doesn't appear to be handling the 
currentItemChanged signal, which is the signal that is being sent with a null 
pointer.  The workaround of wrapping the function body in an if() statement 
checking for a null pointer prevents the crash and allows the user to select 
a book, so that may be good enough.

-Jeremy Erickson

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