[bt-devel] Help with getting the GUI stuff to respond properly

Joachim Ansorg nospam+bt-devel at joachim-ansorg.de
Mon Jan 16 14:57:44 MST 2006


thank you for your help!

> 1) After populating the CModuleResultView with the strongs translation,
> adjusting the size using the Hint does not work.
>     m_moduleListBox->sizeHint().width() returns 105
>     m_moduleListBox->minimumSizeHint().width() returns 142
> Some of the translations are 3 and 4 words long and the width should be
> ~300

Since the searchdialog was tabbed before sizing doesn't work as expected atm.
Don't care about the sizing.
Lee volunteered to remake the layout using QDesigner.

> 2) I do not understand the CDisplay - PreviewDisplay.  When it is
> created it uses the size of its parent window to set its minimum height
> (and it will not shrink any smaller).  On my system it is about 400
> pixels high and causes a very large/tall search dialog.  The next thing
> is that when it is created from a "Strong's Search" context menu click,
> its minimum size is set to the size it needs to display _/all/_ the text
> of the first result (this may be small or very big depending on the
> first verse of the result).

I think here applies the same. The search dialog is in transition at the 
moment. Don't care about the sizing stuff.

> P.S.
> I have the Strong's Number Text results working and the code is
> contained within a single class.  Were looking at about 50-75 lines of
> code.  I will be posting it in a few days after I do some more testing
> and a little cleanup.  I do have one last question.  In my searching for
> the Strong's Number Text I use the renderSingleKey function:
>     text = renderSingleKey(key, modules, settings);
> then I parse through the text result.

That's nice!

Please submit a diff file if you're ready. That way we can integrate it when 
the search dialog is ready.

> Is there any easy way to the iterate through the XML/HTML a node at a
> time and get the information using some function like:
>     getCurrentNodeInfo()[CDisplay::Lemma]?

I'm not sure atm if DOM would help here. But don't care atm.
I'm fine with a first version patch because we'll probably need some slight 
changes after the search dialog is ready.

Thank you very much for your help,

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