[bt-devel] Romanian translation. and BibleTime 1.5rc1

Martin Gruner mg.pub at gmx.net
Tue May 31 06:45:16 MST 2005

Dear Cristian and all others,

thanks for your interest in the current development and translations.

Please see http://www.crosswire.org/ucgi-bin/twiki/view/Bibletime/ToDo_15 for 
detailed information on what needs to be done before the 1.5 release. The 
major remaining task is a rewrite of the handbook chapter "Operation". Would 
anybody want to do this?

After all small bugs are fixed, and the handbook is finalized, BibleTime 1.5 
will be released without the translations. Then will be a good point to start 
translating. We will then shortly release bibiletime-i18n once translations 
start to flow in.

The links to the po files at point into CVS, so they are always the most 
recent version. If you want, you can already start and send us the 
translations even before the 1.5 release of BibleTime, but you will have to 
make alterations after that point. Your work will not be lost, however.

Again, would somebody with docbook experience volunteer to help out with the 
handbook? Any help would be most appreciated.



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