[bt-devel] CVS: New feature

Brook Humphrey bt-devel@crosswire.org
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:40:42 -0800

Joachim Ansorg wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> we have some cool new stuff in CVS.
> We now have beginnings to replace the footnotes/strongs/crossrefs/... shown in 
> the text by displaying them in an info display window.
> The feature works for footnotes already.
> So you can hover over the yellow marker (defined by the current display 
> template) and you can see the footnote inside the info display on the left/
> We will support to show strong number definitions by moving the mouse over the 
> word without having all these disgusting strong number links. Martin came up 
> with this cool idea, BibleWorks does it in a similair way.
> In the hidden places we also changed some code for the text rendering, which 
> will (hopefully) soon improve printing and export quality.
> I think this combined with display templates (which use the power of 
> CSS/XHTML) improes the usability a lot.
> I want to make the next release (1.4.2) a usability release. If you have 
> something in mind which is nerving you while using BT please post this so we 
> can fix this.
yes in the personal commentary it would be nice to have justfied text 
also along with centered and left, right?

I might have more latter.

> Joachim