[bt-devel] question for 1.3final

Martin Gruner bt-devel@crosswire.org
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 08:16:49 +0000

> FWIW, in order to build the SRPM I'm building SWORD RPMs already.  I can do
> this, with the upload either to bibletime sourceforge downloads or to
> sword's downloads.

Cool. Well we need to ask the sword gyus first, if we agree to handle it this 
way. Joachim, what do you think?
If we agree on it, the next release candidate should be done this way to test 
if it really works well.

> Is there interest in RPM's for this latest beta?  I'm going to be snowed in
> tomorrow (well, I'm already snowed in, but can't do it right now), so if
> power and telephone hold up I can build them tomorrow for Red Hat 8.0. 
> Stock RedHat 8.0 + updates.

Snowed in! A dream! =)
Yeah, just create and upload the rpms for BibleTime if you can.
