Brook wanted! (was: Re: Re[6]: [bt-devel] CALL FOR TESTING)

Martin Gruner
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 22:03:30 +0200

> Ok I don't mind doing this but I don't really know how to use cvs. I can
> download the source tree and update it but I don't know how to make changes
> and upload them.
> If you want to show me how I will try or I can post my send my spec file as
> an atachment

Well. You need to checkout using your sf user identity and ssh. Then you can 
just edit the files. A "cvs commit" will upload the changes.
But sending them here as attachments is fine, since those are only 2 small 

> Do you have your system set up to compile rpm's as user and not root?

I don't know, probably not. What do I need to do? A rpm config file 
specifying another rpmbuilddir?
