Brook wanted! (was: Re: Re[6]: [bt-devel] CALL FOR TESTING)

Martin Gruner
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 21:36:25 +0200

Hello Brook,

> I will be able to try a little later but yes I compiled beta 1 on this
> same box running mandrake 8.2 beta the only difference is now it's 8.2
> final.
> I will try later and report back.

Any results yet? I really hope that it works again. :-/

If so, would you please be so kind to create example srpm packages (only for 
testing the packaging process) from beta2 or cvs? The intention is to update 
the .spec files, because they are outdated imo. E.g. there is something like 
--enable-static-sword, which is imo no longer relevant, but I may really be 
mistaking/misinformed here!

There are now 2 spec files, one in bibletime and one in bibletime-doc. Could 
you please update them to reflect the split in 2 separate modules? And: can 
you create srpms (and mandrake binaries) once I release 1.1? That would be a 
GREAT help, since I am a newbie with packaging. I will try to create a SuSE 
rpm from the srpm. Does the srpm already contain additional files like the 
sword .conf files that we add?
