[bt-devel] spec file
Brook Humphrey
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 06:29:31 -0800
On Friday 23 March 2001 03:18, you wrote:
> Brook,
> would you be so kind to make a small correction to the .spec file:
> At the moment it uses only $KDEDIR.
> This would not work on systems which have both kde1 and 2 installed. There
> the environment variables look like:
> KDEDIR=/opt/kde #kde1
> KDEDIRS=/etc/opt/kde2:/opt/kde2 #kde2
> Is it possible to support this kind of configuration?
Not sure I've Never Tried it. You see anyone with kde2 will only have kde
compat libs installed wich will allow the running of kde1 apps but kde1
development is not really possible because of issues with qt. You can only
have 1 copy of qt devel on a system or it gets confused and kde2 uses a newer
version of qt so only the qt compat libs are installed for compatability with
older kde1 aplications. The older qt devel is not installed however.
What I am refering to here is the way all the distros impliment this. That
means the majority of user's whould be using this setup. The only exception
to this would be a linux developer that really knew what he was doing and
custom compiled the sources to have 2 copies ef everything installed. whith
the older kde and qt libs somewere were the system whouldn't look for it that
way he could give the custom definitions you mentioned above but it still
wouldn't interfear with the normal operation of the system.
> Another question: when installing the binary rpm, does it use the system's
> environment variables or the prefix value in the .spec file?
yes the rpms use the prefix defined in the spec file. this is why they need
to be recompiled for say redhat, Mandrake, caldera, and suse, etc.
My mandrake instellation is an exception as they include all of these
structures. by default it installes in the standard red hat locations but if
i install an rpm from another distro should usually run. mandrake and redhat
use the same and caldera and suse are simmilar.
> Martin