[bt-devel] Fwd: RPM BibleTime 0.25 compiled on RedHat 7.0 ?
Brook Humphrey
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 18:57:38 -0800
Hello Joachim,
I see why he wanted this done both the rpm'm produced on suse and
mandrake produce icons that unusable on redhat but al else seems to
work. I have recompiled sword1.5.1a for i386 and i586 on red hat. for
this I have redone the spec file wich I will use to make any future
rpm's. The bad news is that red hat is giving me this error :
configure error: your system fails at linking a small kde application
I got this as the configure script was checking for kde libraries.
I'm not sure. If I have to recompile all the kde libs so they are
static that it probably would not be worth the time. Redhat7.0 is
incredibly broken when it comes to the compiler and obviously they
have a hobbbled version of kde also.
For now I will install caldera and get to work on that. If you have
any further ideas or suggestion please let me know as kde is more of
your thing.
Friday, February 16, 2001, 3:20:31 PM, you wrote:
Joachim Ansorg> Brook, is this possible?
Joachim Ansorg> Do you have RH 7?
Joachim Ansorg> I'd be very glad for your help!
Joachim Ansorg> --Joachim
Joachim Ansorg> ---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Joachim Ansorg> Subject: RPM BibleTime 0.25 compiled on RedHat 7.0 ?
Joachim Ansorg> Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 12:26:14 +0100 (CET)
Joachim Ansorg> From: Petr Nemec <nemec2@kn.vutbr.cz>
Joachim Ansorg> To: info@bibletime.de
Joachim Ansorg> Good afternoon,
Joachim Ansorg> I have just one question about making a binary package of BibleTime on
Joachim Ansorg> RedHat 7.0. Is there any possibility to have these binaries from
Joachim Ansorg> you ?
Joachim Ansorg> Thank you for any answer.
Joachim Ansorg> Best regards
Joachim Ansorg> Petr NEMEC
Joachim Ansorg> --
Joachim Ansorg> -------------------------------------------------------
Best regards,
Brook mailto:bah@webmedic.net