[bt-devel] 1.1
Joachim Ansorg
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 22:44:37 +0100
Yes, this is possible.
Only providing a source package is a good idea because otheriwse we (or I :)
would spend much more time with the rlease.
The next weeks I have to learn around 8 hours a day for my school laving
examination, so I'll have much less time for BibleTime. I'll have more time
in february. My military servive will probably start in April next year, so
I'll have less time during this time.
May God bless you all!
> I assume we won't be able to make a high-quality release before christmas.
> Therefore I suggest that we make a beta release before christmas, which
> does not yet contain the doc package. Then people can test the new stuff
> and report their errors. We shall only provide a .tar.gz source package.
> Martin