[bt-devel] KDE Bugs? General Comments

bt-devel@crosswire.org bt-devel@crosswire.org
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 03:41:13 GMT

First a potential bug report to pass on to the KDE team if anyone can
confirm that it is not only on my system.

Basically in the Bible Presenter, if I select a window size that makes a
verse wrap so that the last line contains a single word, and then press the
next verse icon until the verse is highlighted the following verse is
appended to the last line of that verse.

This is only cosmetic, but it should probably be addressed if it is
happening to more people than me.  It may also be BT only, but because of
the symptoms, I wouldn't think so...

Also, as far as the option dialog, I am having a problem getting past my
mental block dealing with the foreign fonts.

It may be that I am having trouble with the logic of C++ maps in general,
and QMap in particular...  Could anyone provide a link or some guidance on
how to get everything configured, and how to use them?  Does anyone have
any other suggestions on how to read the config for all of the font values?

In the interim, I will be cleaning up the code a bit...

   Darwin Gregory

   Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
   Evolution is a myth...