[bt-devel] The design of the BackEnd

Joachim Ansorg bt-devel@crosswire.org
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 17:53:35 +0000


Sorry for the real stupid question, but WHAT IS UML?

Also I tried KUML some time ago I don't know what it is.


>	I like the design.  Has any body every thought of doing a UML design
>diagram (or maybe a few) just to get something about the design on paper?  I
>think it might be helpful to developers who want to join the project or add
>something to it.  Plus, it'll make sure we're all on the same page as far as
>development.  I personally am willing to help, but I'm gonna have to get a good
>idea of what's in the code, how it works, etc.
>	I don't know if you have seen KUML, but it looks to be a promising UML
>editor.  How familiar is everyone with UML?  We studied it in Software
>Engineering and I personally like it for design.  I'll see if I can get
>something like a class diagram drawn up, and if I can, I'll pass it along.
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