[bt-devel] Why HTML?

bt-devel@crosswire.org bt-devel@crosswire.org
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 04:47:39 GMT

As I was digging around and discovering how BibleTime works, and how I
should store/retrieve various values I came up with a question...


My comments are based on assumptions, and someone with actual knowledge or
research could disprove anything...

My suspicion is that the underlying processes in the HTML widget being used
for display takes HTML and after parsing converts the information to KDE or
Qt standard objects like QColor and QFont.  This would lead to a
significant amount of processing to get back to where we couldbe to begin

In effect this means that we go through the work of converting text to HTML
just to parse it in the next step.  Am I missing something?  Is there a
reason that we dynamically build HTML just to have it immediately parsed
instead of using a different, simpler widget?

I haven't looked at BT 0.2x, is this the way it was done before?  If not,
couldn't this be one reason that someone recently noted that BT 0.3 is
slower than BT 0.2x?

I also am having some problem understanding the differentiation between the
front-end and back-end.  I would have assumed that font and color selection
would have been in the front end, and this is where I looked first.  Aren't
color and font logically display related processes?

I don't mean to rock the boat, I was just wondering, and hoping to gain

Thanks for any clarification.

   Darwin Gregory

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