[bt-devel] Optionsdialog
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 17:05:11 GMT
Torsten Uhlmann writes:
> >>>>> "darwin" == darwin <darwin@ichristian.com> writes:
> It looks good! I tried it this morning with fresh checkout and there
> seem some slots not be connected or it is a problem in KColorButton?
> When I pick a color it is not displayed in the preview pane neither is
> the hex value set to the actual color. When I press ok the color does
> not change.
This is one of the strange things about the dialog called by KColorButton.
If you want to choose a color off of the color map, you need to select the
wand tool, you then you can select a color as you would expect. I don't
know why this isn't the default functionality, as I have no clue what
clicking on the color map should do other than set the color. This is what
I saw initially and disliked when I avoided KColorButton. But then I saw
other advantages.
I am not in Linux at the moment, but from memory, the top of the dialog
opened by KColorButton has a way to select options. The default is "Latest
colors" or something. There are other selections available, such as 40
color palette and others that are better for me. As with most flexible
tools, the more powerfulthe tool the more playing you need to do to figure
out how you as an individual want to use it.
> Your former question. All I know is it must be simple to get the hex
> value of the color for use in the backend (which produces the HTML code
> with the font tags). Yes a [Font] group sounds good. Store the values as
> it is most convinient to you. What does Using the Qt palette mean, is
> there a drawback?
QPalette (or is it QColorPalette) in Qt 2.1 offers a single object for all
color values for an application, at least from my brief look. The downside
would probably be the overhead of an object that does more than we need
(for now), and I am not sure if it provides any benefit. I would not push
for it at this time, but was leaving it open in case anybody saw a benefit
to its use. Let's consider it a secondary issue at this time unless
someone has a pe-existing preference.
My assumption from my quick read (from memory, so don't consider this a
syntax example) the usage would be something like the following any time
you used a color(once the object is created and loaded from the the rc
myBGColor = myPallette->background();
myFGColor = myPalette->text();
There are many values built into the QPalette, some we won't need, and we
currently use some that would have to be wedged in somehow.
Just throwing out ideas.
Darwin Gregory
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