/****************************************************************************** * * versificationmgr.cpp - implementation of class VersificationMgr used * for managing versification systems * * $Id: versificationmgr.cpp 2980 2013-09-14 21:51:47Z scribe $ * * Copyright 2008-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include // KJV internal versification system #include #include #include // null v11n system #include // Leningrad Codex (WLC) v11n system #include // Masoretic Text (MT) v11n system #include // KJV + Apocrypha v11n system #include // NRSV v11n system #include // NRSV + Apocrypha v11n system #include // Russian Synodal v11n system #include // Russian Synodal v11n system #include // Vulgate v11n system #include // German v11n system #include // Luther v11n system #include // Catholic v11n system (10 chapter Esther) #include // Catholic2 v11n system (16 chapter Esther) #include // General LXX v11n system (includes GNT, as used in Orthodox Bibles) #include // Orthodox v11n system as used in Orthodox Bibles using std::vector; using std::map; using std::distance; using std::lower_bound; SWORD_NAMESPACE_START VersificationMgr *VersificationMgr::getSystemVersificationMgr() { if (!systemVersificationMgr) { systemVersificationMgr = new VersificationMgr(); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("KJV", otbooks, ntbooks, vm); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Leningrad", otbooks_leningrad, ntbooks_null, vm_leningrad); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("MT", otbooks_mt, ntbooks_null, vm_mt); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("KJVA", otbooks_kjva, ntbooks, vm_kjva); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("NRSV", otbooks, ntbooks, vm_nrsv); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("NRSVA", otbooks_nrsva, ntbooks, vm_nrsva); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Synodal", otbooks_synodal, ntbooks_synodal, vm_synodal); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("SynodalProt", otbooks_synodalProt, ntbooks_synodal, vm_synodalProt); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Vulg", otbooks_vulg, ntbooks_vulg, vm_vulg); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("German", otbooks_german, ntbooks, vm_german); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Luther", otbooks_luther, ntbooks_luther, vm_luther); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Catholic", otbooks_catholic, ntbooks, vm_catholic); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Catholic2", otbooks_catholic2, ntbooks, vm_catholic2); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("LXX", otbooks_lxx, ntbooks, vm_lxx); systemVersificationMgr->registerVersificationSystem("Orthodox", otbooks_orthodox, ntbooks, vm_orthodox); } return systemVersificationMgr; } class VersificationMgr::System::Private { public: /** Array[chapmax] of maximum verses in chapters */ vector books; map osisLookup; Private() { } Private(const VersificationMgr::System::Private &other) { books = other.books; osisLookup = other.osisLookup; } VersificationMgr::System::Private &operator =(const VersificationMgr::System::Private &other) { books = other.books; osisLookup = other.osisLookup; return *this; } }; class VersificationMgr::Book::Private { friend struct BookOffsetLess; public: /** Array[chapmax] of maximum verses in chapters */ vector verseMax; vector offsetPrecomputed; Private() { verseMax.clear(); } Private(const VersificationMgr::Book::Private &other) { verseMax.clear(); verseMax = other.verseMax; offsetPrecomputed = other.offsetPrecomputed; } VersificationMgr::Book::Private &operator =(const VersificationMgr::Book::Private &other) { verseMax.clear(); verseMax = other.verseMax; offsetPrecomputed = other.offsetPrecomputed; return *this; } }; struct BookOffsetLess { bool operator() (const VersificationMgr::Book &o1, const VersificationMgr::Book &o2) const { return o1.p->offsetPrecomputed[0] < o2.p->offsetPrecomputed[0]; } bool operator() (const long &o1, const VersificationMgr::Book &o2) const { return o1 < o2.p->offsetPrecomputed[0]; } bool operator() (const VersificationMgr::Book &o1, const long &o2) const { return o1.p->offsetPrecomputed[0] < o2; } bool operator() (const long &o1, const long &o2) const { return o1 < o2; } }; void VersificationMgr::Book::init() { p = new Private(); } void VersificationMgr::System::init() { p = new Private(); BMAX[0] = 0; BMAX[1] = 0; ntStartOffset = 0; } VersificationMgr::System::System(const System &other) { init(); name = other.name; BMAX[0] = other.BMAX[0]; BMAX[1] = other.BMAX[1]; (*p) = *(other.p); ntStartOffset = other.ntStartOffset; } VersificationMgr::System &VersificationMgr::System::operator =(const System &other) { name = other.name; BMAX[0] = other.BMAX[0]; BMAX[1] = other.BMAX[1]; (*p) = *(other.p); ntStartOffset = other.ntStartOffset; return *this; } VersificationMgr::System::~System() { delete p; } const VersificationMgr::Book *VersificationMgr::System::getBook(int number) const { return (number < (signed int)p->books.size()) ? &(p->books[number]) : 0; } int VersificationMgr::System::getBookNumberByOSISName(const char *bookName) const { map::const_iterator it = p->osisLookup.find(bookName); return (it != p->osisLookup.end()) ? it->second : -1; } void VersificationMgr::System::loadFromSBook(const sbook *ot, const sbook *nt, int *chMax) { int chap = 0; int book = 0; long offset = 0; // module heading offset++; // testament heading while (ot->chapmax) { p->books.push_back(Book(ot->name, ot->osis, ot->prefAbbrev, ot->chapmax)); offset++; // book heading Book &b = p->books[p->books.size()-1]; p->osisLookup[b.getOSISName()] = p->books.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ot->chapmax; i++) { b.p->verseMax.push_back(chMax[chap]); offset++; // chapter heading b.p->offsetPrecomputed.push_back(offset); offset += chMax[chap++]; } ot++; book++; } BMAX[0] = book; book = 0; ntStartOffset = offset; offset++; // testament heading while (nt->chapmax) { p->books.push_back(Book(nt->name, nt->osis, nt->prefAbbrev, nt->chapmax)); offset++; // book heading Book &b = p->books[p->books.size()-1]; p->osisLookup[b.getOSISName()] = p->books.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nt->chapmax; i++) { b.p->verseMax.push_back(chMax[chap]); offset++; // chapter heading b.p->offsetPrecomputed.push_back(offset); offset += chMax[chap++]; } nt++; book++; } BMAX[1] = book; // TODO: build offset speed array } VersificationMgr::Book::Book(const Book &other) { longName = other.longName; osisName = other.osisName; prefAbbrev = other.prefAbbrev; chapMax = other.chapMax; init(); (*p) = *(other.p); } VersificationMgr::Book& VersificationMgr::Book::operator =(const Book &other) { longName = other.longName; osisName = other.osisName; prefAbbrev = other.prefAbbrev; chapMax = other.chapMax; init(); (*p) = *(other.p); return *this; } VersificationMgr::Book::~Book() { delete p; } int VersificationMgr::Book::getVerseMax(int chapter) const { chapter--; return (p && (chapter < (signed int)p->verseMax.size()) && (chapter > -1)) ? p->verseMax[chapter] : -1; } int VersificationMgr::System::getBookCount() const { return (p ? p->books.size() : 0); } long VersificationMgr::System::getOffsetFromVerse(int book, int chapter, int verse) const { long offset = -1; chapter--; const Book *b = getBook(book); if (!b) return -1; // assert we have a valid book if ((chapter > -1) && (chapter >= (signed int)b->p->offsetPrecomputed.size())) return -1; // assert we have a valid chapter offset = b->p->offsetPrecomputed[(chapter > -1)?chapter:0]; if (chapter < 0) offset--; /* old code * offset = offsets[testament-1][0][book]; offset = offsets[testament-1][1][(int)offset + chapter]; if (!(offset|verse)) // if we have a testament but nothing else. offset = 1; */ return (offset + verse); } char VersificationMgr::System::getVerseFromOffset(long offset, int *book, int *chapter, int *verse) const { if (offset < 1) { // just handle the module heading corner case up front (and error case) (*book) = -1; (*chapter) = 0; (*verse) = 0; return offset; // < 0 = error } // binary search for book vector::iterator b = lower_bound(p->books.begin(), p->books.end(), offset, BookOffsetLess()); if (b == p->books.end()) b--; (*book) = distance(p->books.begin(), b)+1; if (offset < (*(b->p->offsetPrecomputed.begin()))-((((!(*book)) || (*book)==BMAX[0]+1))?2:1)) { // -1 for chapter headings (*book)--; if (b != p->books.begin()) { b--; } } vector::iterator c = lower_bound(b->p->offsetPrecomputed.begin(), b->p->offsetPrecomputed.end(), offset); // if we're a book heading, we are lessthan chapter precomputes, but greater book. This catches corner case. if (c == b->p->offsetPrecomputed.end()) { c--; } if ((offset < *c) && (c == b->p->offsetPrecomputed.begin())) { (*chapter) = (offset - *c)+1; // should be 0 or -1 (for testament heading) (*verse) = 0; } else { if (offset < *c) c--; (*chapter) = distance(b->p->offsetPrecomputed.begin(), c)+1; (*verse) = (offset - *c); } return ((*chapter > 0) && (*verse > b->getVerseMax(*chapter))) ? KEYERR_OUTOFBOUNDS : 0; } /*************************************************** * VersificationMgr */ class VersificationMgr::Private { public: Private() { } Private(const VersificationMgr::Private &other) { systems = other.systems; } VersificationMgr::Private &operator =(const VersificationMgr::Private &other) { systems = other.systems; return *this; } map systems; }; // ---------------- statics ----------------- VersificationMgr *VersificationMgr::systemVersificationMgr = 0; class __staticsystemVersificationMgr { public: __staticsystemVersificationMgr() { } ~__staticsystemVersificationMgr() { delete VersificationMgr::systemVersificationMgr; } } _staticsystemVersificationMgr; void VersificationMgr::init() { p = new Private(); } VersificationMgr::~VersificationMgr() { delete p; } void VersificationMgr::setSystemVersificationMgr(VersificationMgr *newVersificationMgr) { if (systemVersificationMgr) delete systemVersificationMgr; systemVersificationMgr = newVersificationMgr; } const VersificationMgr::System *VersificationMgr::getVersificationSystem(const char *name) const { map::const_iterator it = p->systems.find(name); return (it != p->systems.end()) ? &(it->second) : 0; } void VersificationMgr::registerVersificationSystem(const char *name, const sbook *ot, const sbook *nt, int *chMax) { p->systems[name] = name; System &s = p->systems[name]; s.loadFromSBook(ot, nt, chMax); } void VersificationMgr::registerVersificationSystem(const char *name, const TreeKey *tk) { } const StringList VersificationMgr::getVersificationSystems() const { StringList retVal; for (map::const_iterator it = p->systems.begin(); it != p->systems.end(); it++) { retVal.push_back(it->first); } return retVal; } SWORD_NAMESPACE_END