###################################################################### # Basic utility programs and their joy. # # The general assumption is that each of these utilities is built from # a single source file, which shares its name with the utility itself (appended with .cpp), # and then linked against the SWORD library. # # This list will be built and installed, if so chosen # # These are in alphbetical order now - please keep them that way # if you edit this list in the future. # SET(install_UTILITIES addld imp2gbs imp2ld imp2vs installmgr mkfastmod mod2imp mod2osis mod2vpl tei2mod vpl2mod vs2osisref vs2osisreftxt xml2gbs osis2mod ) IF(WITH_ZLIB OR WITH_INTERNAL_ZLIB) SET(install_UTILITIES ${install_UTILITIES} mod2zmod) ENDIF(WITH_ZLIB OR WITH_INTERNAL_ZLIB) ###################################################################### # These utilities will be built, but they will not be installed # # Again, I have gone to great lengths of travail to make this list # alphabetical. If you add utilities to this list, please do so in a # way that maintains this. SET(noinstall_UTILITIES addgb addvs cipherraw emptyvss gbfidx genbookutil modwrite step2vpl stepdump treeidxutil ) ##################################################################### # This will loop over both of the above utility lists and add build targets # to the system for each one of them. # FOREACH(UTIL ${install_UTILITIES} ${noinstall_UTILITIES}) ADD_EXECUTABLE("${UTIL}" "${UTIL}.cpp") IF(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES("${UTIL}" sword) ELSE(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES("${UTIL}" sword_static) ENDIF(BUILDING_SHARED) ENDFOREACH(UTIL ${install_UTILITIES}) #################################################################### # Just to be difficult, we have a single C file that is a utility # and, therefore, needs its own treatment. # ADD_EXECUTABLE(lexdump lexdump.c) IF(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(lexdump sword) ELSE(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(lexdump sword_static) ENDIF(BUILDING_SHARED) #################################################################### # Install the utilities # # We do this here, rather than up in the main install file, because # a) it fits more logically and b) the scope of ${install_UTILITIES} # is limited to CMake files in this directory and below, so rather than # replicate the above list in another place, we'll just handle our # own install, since this whole directory is optional, anyway. # FOREACH(UTIL ${install_UTILITIES}) INSTALL(TARGETS ${UTIL} DESTINATION ${SWORD_INSTALL_DIR}/bin COMPONENT utilities ) ENDFOREACH(UTIL ${install_UTILITIES}) #################################################################### # And, of course, diatheke is a beast unto itself # # Let's go! # ADD_EXECUTABLE(diatheke diatheke/diatheke.cpp diatheke/corediatheke.cpp diatheke/diathekemgr.cpp diatheke/diafiltmgr.cpp diatheke/thmlcgi.cpp diatheke/gbfcgi.cpp diatheke/osiscgi.cpp ) IF(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(diatheke sword) ELSE(BUILDING_SHARED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(diatheke sword_static) ENDIF(BUILDING_SHARED) INSTALL(TARGETS diatheke DESTINATION ${SWORD_INSTALL_DIR}/bin COMPONENT utilities )