## Sword module configuration file ## Required elements # Module Unique Identifier. [DaOT1931NT1907] # Short description of the module. Description=Danish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography Description_da=Dansk GT1931 + NT1907 med oprindelig retskrivning # Path to the module data files relative to the SWORD module library root directory. DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/daot1931nt1907/ # Driver used for reading the module. ModDrv=zText ## Required elements with defaults # Markup used in the module. SourceType=OSIS # How the text in the conf and in the module are encoded. Encoding=UTF-8 # Compression algorithm. CompressType=ZIP # How much of the work is compressed into a block. BlockType=BOOK # Versification employed by a Bible module. Versification=NRSV ## Elements required for proper rendering # Filters. GlobalOptionFilter=OSISHeadings GlobalOptionFilter=OSISFootnotes ## General informatic and installer elements # A lengthier description. About=Danish translation of the Old Testament authorized in 1931 by the Danish King, with the New Testment being the authorized Danish version from 1907.\parThe NT is based on an entirely new OCR-scanning of an edition with Latin typographic (not Fraktur). The NT has subsequently been thoroughly proof-read and hand-corrected, and footnotes \par as well as tables of contents for each chapter have been added.\par The OT is based on an OCR-scan from the late 1980s, scanned from a typographically deficient \par edition from 1933. OCR-scanning done and proof-read by a Danish pioneering couple with a heart \parfor media-missions. It was placed on the Internet by Søren Horn in the early 1990s, from \parwhere it was picked up by Projekt Runeberg at Linköping University. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen picked \par up the text in the mid-2000's, and has since then hand-corrected literally thousands of OCR-mistakes\par and paragraphing issues.\par Both the OT and the NT retain the original orthography.\par\par Errors and corrections should be sent to Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen via:\parhttps://github.com/emg/ About_da=Dansk autoriseret oversættelse af GT fra 1931 med den autoriserede oversættelse af NT fra 1907.\par\parNT-delen er baseret på en ny OCR-scanning af en udgave med latinske bogstaver (ikke gotiske). \parEfterfølgende er NT-delen blevet gennemgribende korrekturlæst og korrigeret, og fodnoter samt \parindholdsfortegnelser for hvert kapitel er blevet tilføjet.\par\parGT-delen er baseret på en OCR-scanning fra sidst-1980'erne af et typografisk fejlbehæftet eksemplar \parfra 1933. Derefter blev teksten hånd-korrigeret af et ægtepar med hjerte for mediemission. Søren \parHorn lagde udgaven på Internettet tidligt i 1990'erne. Projekt Runeberg ved Linköping Universitet \partog denne tekst til sig og tilføjede afsnitsformattering inklusive noget korrektur. \parUlrik Sandborg-Petersen tog teksten til sig i midten af 00'erne, og har siden da hånd-korrigeret\partusindvis af OCR-genkendendelsesfejl og fejl i afsnitsgrænser.\par\parBåde NT-delen og GT-delen bibeholder den oprindelige retskrivning.\par\par Fejlrapporter og -rettelser bedes sendt til Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen via: \parhttps://github.com/emg/ # Indicates the date that the module was changed. SwordVersionDate=2017-05-22 # Module's revision. Version=1.0.2 # Indicates what has changed between different versions. History_1.0=(2017-05-20) Initial Release History_1.0.1=(2017-5-21) added obsoletion notice to conf file for older module with same text from different source History_1.0.2=(2022-08-09) Conf file corrections History_1..01=(2017-05-22) Conf file corrections # The minimum version of the SWORD library required for this module. MinimumVersion=1.7.2 # Library of Congress Subject Heading. LCSH=Bible.Danish # Language code of the module. Lang=da # Indicates a former ModName that is made obsolete by this module. Obsoletes=Dan ## Copyright and Licensing related elements DistributionLicense=Public Domain DistributionNotes=Please report errors to ulrikp-at-scripturesys-dot-com TextSource=https://github.com/emg/ # Total byte size of the module on disk. InstallSize=1974397