[Dan] DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/dan/ Lang=da Version=2.1 History_2.1=compressed module History_2.0=changed to Gutenberg project text source for much higher quality text Description=Danske Bibel About=Det Gamle Testamente af 1931:\par copyrighted Etext (c)1931 Det Danske Bibelselskab.\par The Old Testament of 1931: copyrighted Etext\par (C) by Det Danske Bibelselskab 1931.\par [The Danish Bible Society]\par\par The New Testament is Public Domain.\par\par consult included gutenberg.txt file for Project Gutenberg copyrighted/public domain etext usage licenses DistributionLicense=Copyrighted; Free non-commercial distribution LCSH=Bible. Danish. BlockType=BOOK CompressType=ZIP ModDrv=zText SwordVersionDate=2003-05-08 InstallSize=1650072